Immersive Investing Program

Step One: During each learning session, students participate in an effort-based achievement program that earns them a fun academic game at the end of the session.

Step Two: The points they earn in the achievement program are converted into dollars that they use to participate in an immersive investing program.

Step Three: The funds from the investing program are donated to the student’s 529 College Savings Plan, or can be used to purchase essential materials for the child’s learning. All funds come from the LLC.

What We Emphasize

  • Investing in the Stock Market

    • Index Funds

      • Showing students the safest way to invest their money long-term

    • Case Studies of Success Stories

      • Amazon, Apple, Netflix

    • Cautionary Tales

      • The Dot-Com Bubble

      • The 2008 crisis

    • Immersive Investing Program (See Below)

  • What are Credit Cards?

    • A basic rundown of credit cards vs debit cards

      • With a base knowledge of how much credit card debt can be accumulated over time, we aim to teach our students to drawbacks of overspending.

  • Student Loans

    • How student loans can support or cripple a person’s financial flexibility over time.