Travel Blog

By Jonah B.

My European Travels

Part 1

When we traveled around Europe we were on a cruise ship called The World. To get to the cruise ship, we had to take an airplane and fly to Italy so we could board. After that process was finished, we got settled into the apartment on the boat, which had a kitchen, a balcony and just regular house things. During the cruise they either set sea (which is basically being on the cruise ship for one whole day) while they drive the boat to the next place, or the boat anchors itself near the land and you can get off the boat and go explore Europe and then at midnight you have to go back on the boat. One expedition we took included driving up the mountains in Spain. We got a private tour guide to drive us up the mountains while talking about the history of the buildings and the mountain itself. My favorite part of this journey was seeing all the beautiful flowers in Spain because Europe is not as dirty as New York. That said, the part I loved most about the whole thing was being with my grandparents and my sister.

Food Blog

By Jonah B.

My Go-to Restaurants

Part 1

I love the restaurant in Upstate New York called Cucina. It is very fancy and expensive but the margherita pizza is delicious. The go-to drink I get there is the Shirley Temple which is a red drink that has sprite or ginger ale. The ingredient that makes it red is grenadine, which is literally pure sugar. Another restaurant that is delectable is Dog Day Afternoon in Brooklyn New York. They have around seven to eight different hot dogs with crazy different toppings, as well as shakes and sodas. When you wait for the food, which takes a bit long, they have an arcade in their restaurant. The arcade has fighting games and you usually have to pay a quarter but sometimes they make it free for everyone to play! 

Investing Blog

By Jonah B.

Companies to Invest In


Microsoft is a great company. They make money from many interesting things having to do with electronics. Some of these things include gaming, Cloud Services, computer products and buying other companies. For example, they recently bought Activision. Activision is one of Microsoft's biggest purchases ever, and is famous for making the video game Call of Duty. Another company they bought was LinkedIn which made them over 10 billion dollars. Some of Microsoft’s products are Xbox, Laptops and many more. Microsoft is the second biggest company in the world under Apple. Their company is currently worth 2.3 trillion dollars. Microsoft’s stock is up 385% in the last five years. For example, if you had invested $1,000 in 2017, that investment would be worth $4,850  today. Every three months, Microsoft makes between 15 and 20 billion dollars in profit. For these reasons, I think most people should invest in Microsoft's stock in the future when they have the opportunity.

 Dog Blog

By Jonah B.

The Land of the Strays

The Land of the Strays is a great organization in Costa Rica because they’re taking lonely scared stray dogs from the wild and from the roads, into a field with hundreds of other dogs. The people that work at the organization help feed and bathe the dogs. There’s about 1 million stray dogs in Costa Rica and in the Land of The Strays have about a thousand stray dogs. The dogs have 378 acres to run in all day everyday. The organization neuters and spays all of the dogs and provides health care. The 378 acres consists of fields and several mountain trails. There are about 200 million stray dogs in the whole world, but places like the Land of the Strays provide them with a safe place to live.

Play Journal

My experiences have been great so far. I am assistant stage manager and I use a walkie talkie to communicate to John, Suzanne and Katie. If anyone needs help or needs to know something they come to me, Azra, B or Elvis. In tech crew we do lights, move small or big props and sometimes be on stage acting. The show wouldn’t run without us because we literally run the whole show. Me and Olivia are both backstage left just us while around 10 tech crew people are on backstage right including actors too. In the Oz scene, Olivia and I are on the stage with this big fabric thing that we make waves with so it seems like the Oz is slightly terrifying. In math group with Katie for the last two days we painted and made props on stage instead of doing math work. We made colorful lighted up balloons and I organized back stage left. In backstage left Olivia and I get bored for three hours because we literally have nothing to do and we can’t use our electronics or we will miss our scene to bring or move something. We had old paper we could throw out but instead we made paper balls out of it so we can play catch.

We also have a rag that used to be a prop and it’s not a prop anymore so we folded it up as a ball to play catch with too. In the middle of the show we have intermission for around 10 minutes so we can take a break eat snacks and go to the bathroom. Olivia and I make the green scary fabric waves on stage behind the Oz head so it scares people a little and also to make it look really cool. We had our first show on May 3 for the lower school and for the rest of our grade that's not in the play and they enjoyed it. After the play we did today we are preparing for the show tomorrow for the parents to watch. Our school is going to feed us pizza, unhealthy snacks and drinks.

The play is from 6 to 8PM so that’s why they’re feeding us dinner. We did the show for the parents and it went pretty well. We did better than the rehearsal which was perfect. Those nights we ate the pizza before we watched a movie for a few hours before the play. The pizza wasn’t bad and the movie choices were really good. We watched Red Notice, Free Guy and The Adams Project. Overall, this was a great experience being tech crew and having a important and hard job.